Successful director Anil Ravipudi is making giant leaps in bringing the sequel to F2, titled F3 back on the sets very soon. The director has completed the project and has announced that the regular shooting will start this month. Venkatesh and Varun Tej are playing the lead roles in the project.
There are speculations about this project are that Varun Tej is not satisfied with the remuneration he has been offered and is demanding more. However, it looks like all the issues are sorted now as Dil Raju came into picture.
Anil Ravipudi along with his family has visited Simhachalam temple has done pooja to the script of F3. Anil Ravipudi once again confirmed that the shooting will start this month.
Tamannah and Mehreen are going to be the female leads in the project once again.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood