It is known news that Falaknuma Das fame Vishwak Sen is playing the lead role in an upcoming film Paagal which is directed by debutant Naresh Kuppili and produced by Bekkam Venugopal under his banner. The shoot of Paagal was halted due to the lockdown and the coronavirus pandemic but now according to the latest update, the makers have resumed the shoot of Paagal and the actor Vishwak Sen has joined the sets.
Vishwak Sen himself confirmed that he is back on the sets by sharing a pic on his Instagram. Coming on the pic, Vishwak Sen stood with his back facing the camera and looking at lights and other equipment.
Radhan is part of the technical crew of Paagal and he is composing the tunes. The young actor Vishwak Sen is on cloud nine with his last two consecutive outings – Falaknuma Das and HIT – turning out to be good box office hits.
The young hero Vishwak Sen was last seen in Sailesh Kolanu’s HIT in which he essayed the role of a troubled police officer with a traumatic past. The film HIT had Ruhani Sharma. Hit was all about the story of a police officer in search of a missing woman and Vishwak Sen essayed the cop Vikram Rudraraju in it.
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