Young hero Nikhil has last year scored a super hit with the movie Arjun Suravaram. The actor after taking a break in his career has lined up two projects in the pipeline. While one of the projects is titled Karthikeya 2, sequel to his earlier hit Karthikeya.
The project will be directed by Chandoo Mondeti and as per the latest update the movie will start rolling next year. The concept video released before the lockdown has created enough interest.
Nikhil apart from Karthikeya 2 has also given his nod for the project 18 pages which had the backing of Sukumar. He will be the presenter of the film while Geetha Arts 2 will produce it. Palnati Surya Pratap of Kumari 21F fame is directing the project.
It is only recently updated that Mallu beauty Anupama Parameswaran has been chosen as the female lead. As per the latest update, the film’s shooting kickstarted today in Hyderabad.
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