Nandamuri Balakrishna‘s dream is to direct Narthanashala again. His father legendary actor Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao acted in the classical movie Nartanashala, a part from the Indian epic mythology Maha Bharat. Balakrishna many years back has decided to direct Narthanashala and brought in stellar cast of Srihari, Soundarya, Sharat Babu, etc., into the project.
While Balayya himself is Arjuna, Sharat Babu is Dharma Raju, and Srihari’s role is Bheema. Soundarya has been roped in as Draupadi. The shooting has started and completed few portions. However, it had to be scrapped due to unavoidable reasons.
Now, Narthanasala is again back in the news with Balakrishna announcing that 17-min footage from the sequences shot for this movie will be released on October 24th.
Today, the first look of Nandamuri Balakrishna as Arjuna got released and the actor is stunning in the role. Let us see how this 17-min footage will turn up into.
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