Yesterday the producer Boney Kapoor announced the arrival of the motion poster of his upcoming film Vakeel Saab, an adaptation of Hindi movie Pink, on social media, in which Gabbar Singh fame Pawan Kalyan is playing the lead role. The filmmaker on Tuesday tweeted that the motion poster will be out on social media on Pawan Kalyan’s birthday on 2nd September. Finally the wait is over. The motion poster of Vakeel Saab is out.
It is a tribute to Indian law and lawyers. Now it will be very interesting to see how well Pawan Kalyan fits into an author-backed character which was superbly essayed by Bollywood Megastar Amitabh Bachchan aka Big B in the national award-winning film, Pink. Thaman’s Satyamev Jayate tune plays in the background and lends more power and feel to Pawan Kalyan’ character.
In the motion poster, actor turned politician Pawan Kalyan’ character is seen holding a criminal law book in one hand and a baseball bat in another.
The courtroom drama Vakeel Saab, is Power Star Pawan Kalyan’ first film in two years. The movie Vakeel Saab went on floors earlier this year but its release got delayed due to the lockdown announced after the coronavirus outbreak.
Helmed by Sriram Venu of Ninnu Kori fame, the court room drama is produced by Boney Kapoor and Dil Raju.
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