In the month of July, the young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda introduced a new member into their family — a Siberian Husky pup, whom they adorably named Storm Deverakonda. Recently once again, Vijay Deverakonda took to his Instagram to share a pic of him with Storm. Coming on the pic, Vijay Deverakonda is posing shirtless while carrying Storm in his arms. . The photograph shows his hair tied up in a bun. In the caption, Vijay Deverakonda called his pet, “My Cute Beast.”
Arjun Reddy actor Vijay Deverakonda’ shirtless photograph with his dog Storm in his arms, is attracting female fans.
On the work front, Vijay Deverakonda is occupied with Puri Jagannadh’ pan-Indian project, Fighter, the sports-drama stars Bollywood bombshell Ananya Pandey as the leading lady and the Hindi version of the film is presented by Karan Johar through his Dharma Productions. The film also has Ramya Krishnan and Ronit Roy in pivotal roles. Puri has already wrapped up the first schedule of the multilingual film in Mumbai before the lockdown.
Earlier during the media interaction, Vijay Deverakonda also spoke about his wedding plan, “My parents have been hinting at marriage. I would love family life. It would be fulfilling to be married and have your own kids. There will be a time I will do that.”
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