Bhojpuri actress Anupama Pathak ended her life by committing suicide at her Mumbai apartment on 2nd August. According to reports, the 40-year-old actress Anupama Pathak was allegedly found hanging at her home in Dahisar. Just before she passed away, she went live on Facebook and talked her heart out about how she was feeling.
In her video, the Bhojpuri actress Anupama Pathak urged people to not trust anyone and shared her pain of being cheated upon. The police has recovered a suicide note where she had mentioned financial issues as one of the reasons of this drastic step taken by her. The actress also mentioned in her suicide letter about a man named Manish Jha who apparently took her two-wheeler during the lockdown in the month of May and later refused to return it to her.
In the video, Anupama Pathak also said, “I had invested Rs 10,000 in some Wisdom Producer Company in Malad on friend’s request. The company supposed to return my investment after maturity in the month of December 2019. However, the investment company is doing doldrums in returning my money.”
It is known news that on 14th June, Sushant Singh Rajput ended his life and recently TV actor Sameer Sharma died of suicide. Now Bhojpuri actress Anupama Pathak committed suicide.
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