Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt was admitted to Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai on Saturday evening after he complained of breathlessness. After Kalnayak actor was hospitalized, a Coronavirus test was done which turned out to be negative. This news is confirmed by Sanjay Dutt himself. Sanjay took to his Twitter and said, “Just wanted to assure everyone that I am doing well. I am currently under medical observation and my Coronavirus report is negative. With the help and care of the doctors, nurses and staff at Lilavati hospital, I should be home in a day or two.”
Sanjay Dutt is currently living in Mumbai alone while his wife Maanayata is in Dubai with their children Shahraan and Iqra.
Sanjay Dutt’ sister Priya Dutt said, “He was admitted to Lilavati Hospital around 4.30-5 pm for regular check up as he was feeling a little breathless. They did a Coronavirus test and the result was negative. He might get discharged on Monday.”
On the work front, Sanjay Dutt will be seen playing in Sadak 2, Bhuj and Torbaaz. Apart from Pooja Bhatt, the movie also features Aditya Roy Kapur, Sanjay Dutt, and Alia Bhatt in pivotal roles. Apart from these Bollywood movies, Sanjay Dutt will be seen playing the role of Adheera in much awaited multilingual movie KGF: Chapter 2 in which Yash is playing the lead role.
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