On Saturday night, the 35-year-old handsome hunk of Tollywood, Rana Daggubati tied the knot with his fiancé Miheeka Bajaj. It was a close-knit wedding ceremony, which was organised at the Ramanaidu Studios in Hyderabad. The wedding ceremony was attended by their family members and a few friends from film circles. Samantha Akkineni, Naga Chaitanya, Ram Charan and Allu Arjun have made their presence. Miheeka looks drop-dead gorgeous in Anamika Khanna bridal golden lehenga that she teamed up with peach-coloured dupatta and jewellery whereas Rana Daggubati looks dapper in golden kurta, dhoto and veil around his neck. According to the latest update, Suresh Babu got some cooks from his own family and they made the entire food at the studio premises itself. It means on the occasion of Rana- Miheeka wedding, Suresh Babu has served homemade food to the guests.
A lot of photographs and videos from the wedding ceremony were also shared by fanpages on social media.
Baahubali and Nene Raju Nene Mantri fame Rana Daggubati and Miheeka Bajaj made their engagement official on 21st May by posting a couple of adorable pictures of themselves on social media. He shared a heart-warming photo, in which he was seen dressed in a traditional white outfit while Miheeka Bajaj was seen wearing an orange and yellow saree.
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