At least 20 people, including both pilots were killed after an Air India Express plane from Dubai skidded off the runway and broke in two while landing at Kerala’s Kozhikode on Friday amid heavy rain. All on board were evacuated after a nearly 3-4 operation and at least 112 people injured were taken to hospitals in Kozhikode and Malappuram districts. The flight was part of Vande Bharat program that has been bringing back Indians from abroad amid the covid-19 pandemic.
The Air India Express aircraft, with 190 people on board, was attempting to land in bad weather when it shot the runway around 7.40 pm and split into two after nose diving into a valley 35 feet below.
The officers said that190 passengers and crew were onboard the plane that plummeted 35 feet off the table top runway of Karipur airport, also known as Kozhikode International Airport.
Investigating officers from DGCA and Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau (AAIB) will on Saturday start their probe into the Air India Express flight crash at Kozhikode airport in Kerala.
Kerala Governor Arif Mohammad Khan and CM Pinarayi Vijayan will visit Karipur on Saturday, where an Air India Express flight crash-landed on Friday in which 20 people, including two pilots, were killed and 127 people were injured.
Prime Minister Modi expressed pain over the tragedy and said he had spoken with Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan.
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