Megastar Chiranjeevi is currently working with Koratala Siva for an upcoming movie Acharya which may hit the screens in summer 2021. The film Acharya which has Kajal Aggarwal in the female lead role, is carrying the social message. Recently it was heard that after wrapping up the shoot of Acharya, Chiranjeevi will start the work for Lucifer remake under the direction of Sujeeth. But Sujeeth’s script was disappointing after which Lucifer remake is kept on hold. On the otherside, Chiranjeevi promised to do a film for Meher Ramesh and asked him to come with an exciting script. Meher Ramesh took some time and he decided to go with a remake. Now the reports are coming that Meher Ramesh has decided to helm Vedhalam remake in which Megastar Chiranjeevi will play the lead role.
The pre-production work of the project kick-started already. Anil Sunkara’s AK Entertainments will produce Vedhalam remake starring Chiranjeevi in association with Konidela Production Company. An official announcement regarding Vedhalam remake will be made on 22nd August marking on the occasion of Megastar birthday.
It is known news that Anil Sunkara acquired the remake rights of Vedhalam long ago. And now as Chiranjeevi gave his nod, he joined the film as a producer.
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