As the gyms across the nation are closed, fitness freaks are much concerned about their disturbed workout. But the Celebrities from the film industry are sharing their home workout sessions on social media and motivating their fans and followers to stay fit in isolation period. Earlier, Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty had shared an inspiring workout video, in which she can be seen sharing yoga tips amid lockdown. Amala Akkineni, the wife of King Nagarjuna had also shared a video, where she was seen pushing herself to do some heavy lifting exercises. This time the young hero Naga Shaurya took to his Instagram to share his workout video, which is grabbing the attention of his fans.
Coming on the video, Naga Shaurya is seen doing pull-ups in the terrace of his house. The actor has grown his hair, beard and also bulked up his body.
Naga Shaurya said, “I don’t stop when I am tired, I stop when I am done.”
On the work side, Oh Baby acto Naga Shaurya will be seen playing the lead role in the upcoming untitled film under the direction of Sowjanya. The reports are coming that the producer Naga Vamsi has given creative freedom to Lakshmi Sowjanya. Touted to be a youthful entertainer, Ritu Varma will be seen playing the female lead.
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