Yesterday SS Rajamouli’ directorial venture Baahubali The Beginning, celebrated its 5th anniversary. The movie starred Young Rebel star Prabhas, Rana Daggubati, Sathyaraj, Anushka Shetty and Tamannah Bhatia. It is known news that veteran Tamil actor Sathyaraj played a crucial role of Kattappa in this magnum opus Baahubali: The Beginning, helmed by Rajamouli. Not many are aware that Sathyaraj was not the first choice for the role of Kattappa. Initially SS Rajamouli wanted to rope Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt but as Sanjay Dutt was in the prison and there was no way he could join the shoot so Rajamouli dropped the idea and roped Sathyaraj for Kattappa’ role.
Baahubali’ film writer and SS Rajamouli’ father V Vijayendra Prasad revealed this interesting titbit in a latest interview.
Baahubali is touted to be one of the biggest films ever made in India and received worldwide recognition. Prabhas and Rana starrer Baahubali: The Beginning broke several box office records to become one of the highest-grossing films in the history of Indian cinema. Rajamouli’ Baahubali series narrates the story of two brothers at war over an ancient kingdom.
Meanwhile Sanjay Dutt is working with Yash for much hyped action entertainer KGF: Chapter 2, which is being helmed by Prashanth Neel. It is slated to hit the theaters on 23rd October 2020.
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