After much anticipation, the first look of Prabhas and Pooja Hegde starrer Radhe Shyam was revealed yesterday on social media. Since then, fans have been storming social media with the hashtag #RadheShyam. The pan-India film Radhe Shyam, helmed by Radha Krishna Kumar, will be released in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi and Malayalam languages. The movie also has Sachin Khedekar, Murli Sharma, Bhagyashree, Sasha Chhetri, Kunaal Roy Kapur, along with Sathyan and Priyadarshi in key roles. The first look poster of Radhe Shyam featured Prabhas and Pooja Hegde flaunting a pose of partner dance. Prabhas looked dapper in a white suit whereas Pooja looked drop-dead gorgeous in a red gown. The background showed a red-coloured ocean with ancient buildings by the side.
#RadheShyam hashtag has been trended over 3.8 million times on Twitter, which is a never before record on a single hashtag.
The movie Radhe Shyam is being bankrolled by Krishnam Raju’ Gopikrishna Movies and UV Creations banners. Acclaimed cinematographer Manoj Paramahamsa is handling the camera, RC Kamalakannan is taking the responsibility of VFX part. The name of the music director is yet to be revealed.
Radhe Shyam is set against the backdrop of Paris in the 1920s and Prabhas will reportedly be seen as a fortune-teller.
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