Super Star Mahesh Babu post the release of Sarileru Neekevvaru has taken his own time in finalizing his next movie. After many months of suspense it is confirmed that Parasuram is going to direct Mahesh Babu’s 27th film. Actually it was supposed to be in the direction of Vamsi Paidipally but it couldn’t get materialize as Mahesh Babu hasn’t got convinced with the script. Then Mahesh gave nod to Parasuram. Recently speaking to the media, Parasuram has confirmed that Mahesh Babu film will have all the emotions and will definitely be liked by the fans.
Parasuram thought to rope in Kiara Advani for the role. We all know that she made her debut in Tollywood with Mahesh in Bharat Ane Nenu. However this time Kiara hasn’t agreed instantly. She is still thinking over whether to say yes or not. The reason behind this is her handful of projects.
According to the latest update Kiara Advani has four projects in Bollywood which she has to give dates for. Though she has completed shooting for some, she needs to give bulk dates for promotions. As there is still uncertainity over release dates, Kiara is playing wait game to accept Mahesh Babu’s film.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood