Stylish Star Allu Arjun has started the pre-production work on his upcoming entertainer, Pushpa, an action-drama, which has Rashmika Mandanna in the female lead role and will be released on five languages including Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil and Kannada. It is known news that Vijay Sethupathi was on the board to play the main antagonist. When Vijay Sethupathi signed the film Pushpa, there were no plans to make Allu Arjun film as a pan-Indian project and Vijay was happy to sign the film.
When Stylish Star Allu Arjun and Sukumar announced that the film will release in Tamil as well simultaneously, it didn’t go well with Vijay Sethupathi and he told Sukumar that he won’t be comfortable playing the negative role if the film is to be released in other languages. As Allu Arjun is keen on making his debut in Tamil with Sukumar’ directorial venture Pushpa, he doesn’t want to go back from the idea and started to find alternatives to Vijay Sethupathi.
Now the reports are coming that Sukumar has roped Bobby Simha to play the villain in Pushpa movie. Bobby Simha was recently seen in Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja starrer Disco Raja. Sukumar and Allu Arjun are said to have felt that Bobby Simha could do justice to this role.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood