After delivering SS Rajamouli’ directorial venture Baahubali, Prabhas became popular at the International level. He is a pan India star and many Bollywood actors openly expressed their wish to work with Prabhas and SS Rajamouli. After Baahubali 2: The Conclusion, Prabhas was seen in action thriller drama Saaho in which he shared the screen space with Bollywood actress Sharaddha Kapoor. Though Sujeeth’ directorial venture Saaho failed to reach the expectations in all languages released but Prabhas’ performance received lot of applause. Currently Prabhas is working with Radha Krishna Kumar for a movie in which Pooja Hegde is playing the female lead whereas Bollywood actress Bhagyashree is essaying a crucial role.
Bhagyashree is making her acting comeback with Prabhas’ highly anticipated 20th film. Recently during the media interaction, the 51-year-old actress opened up about working on the Prabhas starrer and confirmed that she is the part of Prabhas and Radha Krishna Kumar’ film
Bhagyashree said that she had started the shooting of Prabhas starrer just before the lockdown was announced. Maine Pyaar Kiya actress revealed, “ I am playing a very interesting character for which I learnt a different skill. “ However, Bollywood actress Bhagyashree was tight-lipped about revealing more details about her role or the movie.
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