The bold and beautiful actress Kangana Ranaut is in self-isolation with family at her home in Manali but the actress is keeping in touch with her fans through daily videos and interviews. Recently during an interview, Kangana Ranaut talked about dating and the kind of person she would want to marry. Queen actress Kangana Ranaut said that she could not share her bed with any person.
Manikarnika actress Kangana added, “I am always addicted to my independence. I am a complete person. So i need a complete person.” The National Award winner Kangana Ranaut added “I have been addicted to my independence. Like when I have casual dates also, I cannot sleep on the same bed with the person. I get up in mid night and go to my room. So I don’t know where my behavior takes me.”
On Monday, Rangoli Chadel took to Twitter to share that there was an earthquake in Chamba. Rangoli Chandel said Kangana Ranaut felt that her bed was shaking in the night around 11pm to midnight, and turned on the lights to see if everything was fine.
On Sunday, Kangana Ranaut shared the story of her initial days in Hindi Film Industry and the challenges she faced at that time.
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