The director VV Vinayak is believed to have been signed to direct the Telugu remake of Malayalam blockbuster Lucifer, which starred Mohanlal in the lead role. It is known news that Mega Power Star Ram Charan has bought the remake rights of Lucifer for his father Megastar Chiranjeevi. Earlier it was heard that Sukumar, who best known for films such as Arya and Rangasthalam, would helm Lucifer remake. But now according to the latest buzz, Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan are planning to rope VV Vinayak to helm the project- Lucifer remake.
VV Vinayak who has delivered back to back commercially flop movies, is waiting to bounce back. The discussion are on. The reports are also coming that Ram Charan is also considering Vamshi Paidipally and Srinu Vaitla’s names for this project.
Reports have also emerged that Magadheera star Ram Charan will also play a crucial role in this remake. Charan may reprise the role originally essayed by Tovino Thomas or Prithviraj Sukumaran, who had directed Lucifer.
On the other side, Chiranjeevi is currently working with Koratala Siva for an upcoming untitled film, which is being bankrolled by Ram Charan under the banner of Konidela productions. Mahesh Babu will be seen playing college student in this film.
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