Venkatesh Daggubati has kick started the shoot of his upcoming Telugu film Naarappa, which is a remake of Tamil film Asuran in which Kollywood star Dhanush played the lead role. Naarappa is an action and revenge drama. The makers of Narappa have shared the first look of the film that features the action avatar of Venkatesh and it took social media by storm. Now according to the latest update, currently the shoot of Naarappa is going on in Kurumalai in Tamil Nadu and the makers are canning some key action sequences under the direction of fight master Peter Heins, in which Venkatesh is participating. After wrapping up this schedule, the Naarappa team will be back to Anantapur for the further shoot.
The sources say that the makers of Naarappa will shoot crucial scenes in realistic locations of Rayalaseema in its first schedule.
Venkatesh Daggubati starrer Naarappa, is being helmed by Srikath Addala and is being produced by D Suresh Babu and Kalaippuli S Thanu under the banner of Suresh Productions Pvt Ltd and V Creations. Priyamani is on the board to play the role of Venkatesh’ wife in this film. According to the latest buzz, the makers have also roped Amala Paul to play the key role in Naarappa.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood