Super Star Mahesh Babu and AR Murugadoss teamed up for the movie Spyder and the result of the movie is known to everyone. The movie turned into one of the biggest disasters in Mahesh’s career. Since then Murugadoss hasn’t done a direct Telugu film. His latest directional Darbar which has Rajinikanth in the lead role is releasing for this Sankranthi on January 9th. As a part of the promotions, Murugadoss has met Telugu media and has given insights about the movie.
In this interview, Murugadoss has also talked about how he failed to grab the Telugu audience pulse and about Spyder result. He has spoken how Mahesh consoled him after the flop. Murugadoss revealed that Mahesh has called him daily and texted him for about 10 days after the movie release. “His heart is as charming as him, I have never seen a hero like that. I am very disappointed that I gave flop to such a good heart” said Murugadoss.
The director revealed that he will definitely direct a Telugu film but only after he is sure about the audience’s pulse. Mahesh Babu’s new film Sarileru Neekevvaru is currently in promotional part too as the film is releasing two days after Darbar release i.e., on January 12th.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood