The controversial reality show Bigg Boss 3 Telugu, which was hosted by Akkineni Nagarjuna, has already won the hearts of Television movie lovers. This year the show had 15 contestants. Ali Reza was one of them. According to the latest update, Akkineni Nagarjuna has gifted Ali Reza a pair of shoes. This news is confirmed by Ali Reza himself.
Ali Reza took to his Instagram to share a pic of him with Nagarjuna and said, “Nagarjuna sir gifted me a pair of his favorite brand of shoes. I’d asked him for these shoes while I was in the Bigg Boss 3 Telugu house and here it is, as promised. Love u Nagarjuna sir.” Coming on the pic, Ali Reza is seen holding shows and with King Nagarjuna standing beside
Ali Reza praised the actor and host Akkineni Nagarjuna for keeping his promise, which he made to him during the Bigg Boss show. It is known the news that when Ali Reza’s favorite shoes were destroyed in one of the tasks, the contestant asked Nagarjuna for a pair of shoes to which he gave a promise. Finally, Nagarjuna gifted a pair of shoes to Ali Reza.
According to the latest buzz in the film industry, Ali Reza will soon be seen playing a key role in Nag starrer upcoming untitled film.
Krishna Vamsi is making his comeback in the Tollywood film industry with an upcoming film, which has been titled Rangamarthanda. According to the latest update, now Krishna Vamsi has roped Bigg Boss 3 Telugu contestant Ali Reza in his upcoming directorial venture Rangamarthanda. This news is confirmed by Ali Reza himself.
Ali Reza is also the part of Krishna Vamsi’s directorial venture Rangamarthanda. A few days ago, Ali Reza shared a pic of him with Krishna Vamsi and revealed that he is very excited as he got the opportunity to work for upcoming flick Rangamarthanda in the direction of Krishna Vamsi.
Credit: Instagram
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