It is known news that in 2017, Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu teamed up with AR Murugadoss for action thriller drama Spyder, which ended up commercially flop at the box office. This film marked the Tamil debut of Mahesh Babu. Spyder is all about the story of Shiva (Mahesh Babu), an Intelligence Bureau officer, who sets out to save the people of Hyderabad when he realises that a serial killer is on the loose. Mahesh Babu starrer, which was directed by AR Murugadoss, was rejected by the audience on its opening day. Recently during the media interaction, Murugadoss admitted his mistake that he has failed to satisfy Telugu audiences. Muragadoss also talked about Spyder and said, “When I did Spyder with Mahesh Babu, I have focused more on his Tamil launch and it was my mistake that I ignored Telugu market and the audience.”
Akira director Murugadoss added, “ I’ve failed to catch the pulse of Telugu audiences. I’ve to study Telugu audiences more to make movies that will impress them.”
AR Murugadoss is one of the most talented film makers of South Indian Film Industry and he has impressed with movies like Ghajini, 7th Sense Thupaki and now coming up with his next directorial venture Darbar in which Rajinikanth and Nayantara are playing the lead roles. Rajinikanth is playing ACP and Nayantara is essaying architect in this action drama, which will be released on the eve of Pongal.
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