Tollywood’s bigwigs and leading politicians graced the producer Lakshman’s son Ujjawal’s engagement ceremony, which took place on 17th November at Anvaya Convention Center in Gachibowli in Hyderabad. The producer Lakshman’s son Ujjawal got engaged to Manisha. Lakshman co-produces Dil Raju’s movies and handles the distribution wing. Baahubali star Prabhas, Vijay Deverakonda, Dil Raju, Sukumar, Vinayak, Namrata Shirodkar, Harish Shankar and Vamshi Paidiaplly also graced the event and blessed the couple. Several politicians including Telangana Minister Harish Rao and congress leader Reventh Reddy. It seems Prabhas has gained his weight after the release of action thriller drama Saaho. The few people in the film industry are also saying that Prabahs increased his weight for his next upcoming flick Jaan where he will essay the role of a palm reader. Prabhas is not going to lose the flab he gained in the last few days. Because he has to look a bit chubby for the new movie Jaan that he is set to begin shortly. It means this is the look of Prabhas for Radha Krishna Kumar’s upcoming directorial venture Jaan.
Jaan is a period romantic drama set in the ’70s. Prabha’s was spotted at the engagement ceremony of producer Lakshman’s son Ujwal in Jaan look. It seems Prabahs is keeping curly hair for Jaan.
Some time ago, it was heard that Prabhas would be resuming the shoot of ‘Jaan’, from 18th November. However, the thing did not happen, leaving Prabhas’ fans disappointed. According to the latest buzz, things got delayed as the sets were not ready. According to the latest buzz, the movie will go on the floor in a few days.
Prabhas’ Jaan which has Pooja Hegde in the female lead, will be shot in various exotic locations, which suggests the upcoming film might be a feast for the movie lovers. This is the first time, Prabhas is going to romance with Pooja Hegde.
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