Malayalam director Liju Krishna was arrested by Info Park police in Kerala’s Kannur on 6th March after being accused of rape. 36 years old Liju Krishna, who hails from Mattannur in Kannur, was taken into custody by the police following a complaint by a woman, filed at the Infopark police station in Kakkanad. With Liju’s arrest, filming of Padavettu was stopped.
The sources revealed that Liju Krishna assaulted a lady on various occasions over 6 months, from December 2020 to June 2021. The director met the woman through social media and was living with her. He raped her on the pretext of marrying her.
A case has been filed against the film maker Liju Krishna at the Kakkanad Infopark station on the basis of the complaint made by a young lady who helped him with aspects of the film.
The Women in Cinema Collective WCC has come forward against the Liju saying that he should be barred from the Malayalam film industry until the verdict.
On the work front, Liju Krishna’ movie Padavettu which is co-produced with Sunny Wayne, is slated to hit the theaters later this year. The movie has Malayalam actors Nivin Pauly and Manju Warrier in the lead roles.
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