Nandamuri Balakrishna played the role of a father on the silver screen in his production venture- NTR biopic, where he played the role of his father, actor and late Chief Minister of United Andhra Pradesh. Though both parts of the NTR biopics commercially flopped at the box office Balakrishna received appreciation for the portrayal. Now according to the latest buzz, once again Balakrishna is going to play the role of NTR in Thalaivi in which Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut is going to play TamilNadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa. It is known the news that J Jayalalithaa biopic will be made in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi and in other languages. And If Balakrishna gives his nod, Jayalalithaa biopic – Thalaivi will be his debut in Bollywood.
Jayalalithaa biopic will be incomplete without showing the roles of the likes of MGR and NTR. That is the main reason, the makers are planning to approach Nandamuri Balakrishna to essay the role of NTR in this film. Playing NTR will take Balakrishna to Bollywood as the film “Thalaivi” is being made in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi and other languages. Now we have to wait and see whether Balakrishna will give his nod to essay the role of NTR in Jayalalithaa biopic- Thalaivi or not. According to the latest buzz, Balakrishna is very happy as he is going to get another opportunity to play the role of his father on the silver screen.
Jayalalithaa biopic- Thalaivi is co-written by KV Vijayendra Prasad and Rajat Arora. KV Vijayendra Prasad is one who has penned the story of Baahubali series and Bajrangi Bhaijaan. It will be helmed by AL Vijay and is produced By Vishnu Vardhan Induri and Shailesh R Singh. Renowned makeup artist Jason Collins, who had worked in Hollywood movies is working on Thalaivi and helping Kangana Ranaut to get the look right.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood