Seems like word war between the Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and BJP’s senior leader Amit Shah over the NRC issue is on the verge to blast. Post, Amit Shah’s attacking comments over Banerjee’s government yesterday, Bengal CM has slammed Shah saying, people of West Bengal are against the divisive politics and they won’t encourage it here.
Di further said that people of Bengal are known for hospitality and diversified groups of people practice their respective religions. Though the state is home to diverse religions, all the people here get collaborated to festivals like Durga Puja and others which symbolizes the unified nature in the state.
While inaugurating a community puja in south Kolkata, Mamata said that “Everyone is welcome to our state and enjoy the hospitality of our people. But please don’t profess any divisive politics … It will not work in Bengal”.
“Please don’t spread the religion of divisive politics. Please don’t create a rift among people. Bengal is known to respect leaders of different faiths for ages. This can never be spoilt,” she further added.
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