Kalyaan Dhev, the son in law of Megastar Chiranjeevi made his debut in Tollywood with Vijetha which was bombed at the box office. Later He made official announcement regarding his next upcoming film which was titled Meenakshi, but this film too did not see the light as it is stopped in middle.
Now according to the latest update, Chiranjeevi’s son-in-law Kalyaan Dhev has signed another upcoming project, in which he will be seen working the role of an employee who works in condom factory.
The sources say that Kalyaan Dhev is very impressed by the novel script of Puli Vasu, and gave green signal for this film. Talk is that the upcoming film of Kalyaan Dhev is titled as Condom Factory. The sources says that since the content in the movie is strong and solid, the title Condom Factory cannot bring any negative remarks.
Kalyaan Dhev did not officially announce anything but the sources say that he will change his look for the film. It is also not yet confirmed whether the movie will have anything to do with condoms.
The makers are feeling that the title Condom Factory will help in the publicity. Now we haveto wait and see whether Kalyan Dhev will impress the movie lovers this time on not.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood https://ift.tt/2n68Di3