More or less, after a gap of ten months, Telangana CM KCR is all set to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi tomorrow morning in New Delhi. On getting to the details it was known that post assembly election result in December 2018, KCR has tried to get the appointment of PM but got rejected. Whereas, he couldn’t even attend the swearing ceremony of Prime Minister Modi as the landing of his special flight to land at Gannavaram airport was got rejected by the director of civil aviation on that day. At that time, KCR was sharing his flight with counterpart YS Jagan Mohan Reddy who is now Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister.
Speculations were rife that Modi is deliberately keeping KCR aside because of the criticism he did on BJP and central government at multiple instances in his meetings as well as on the floor of Telangana assembly too. Later, things were turned and BJP state leadership gathered the support and now it is moving aggressively towards KCR and his government. Telangana BJP leaders are claiming that BJP is the only power that can alter the KCR rule in the 2023 elections.
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