Only two more weeks are there for the grand finale of Bigg Boss 3 Telugu, which is being hosted by Akkineni Nagarjuna. Now everyone is eager to know that who will be Bigg Boss 3 Telugu Winner this time. The Six contestants have come to the Bigg Boss pre-finale week, and one of them is going to get eliminated on this Sunday, sending the other five members to the finale, which is going to take place in the first week of November.
Rahul Sipligunj has already got the ticket to the finale and remaining 5 contestants- Varun Sandesh, Baba Bhaskar, Sreemukhi, Shiva Jyothi and Ali Reza are in the nominations and one of them will get eliminated this Sunday. . When compared to others, Ali Reza and Shiva Jyothi have more chances to get evicted. TV anchor Ravi has come in the support of Bigg Boss 3 Telugu contestant Ali Reza.
Recently Anchor Ravi showered praises on Ali Reza, who is his close friend. Anchor Ravi also requested TV viewers and Bigg Boss Lovers to support Ali Reza to win the trophy of Bigg Boss 3 Telugu.
Anchor Ravi requested the TV viewers to vote for Ali Reza to make the winner of this season. After a long time, Ravi came on Facebook and said, he came live on Facebook only for Ali Reza, who is very special for him.
Ali Reza’s wife Masuma has been doing campaigns for him and now Anchor Ravi has also coe in his support, which might rescue Ali from the eliminations this week.
Ali Reza, is known for his aggressive game especially during the physical tasks in Bigg Boss house. Recently he was trolled on social media for his gameplay. The fans on the social media also criticized Ali Reza for aggressively pushing Baba Bhasker out of the pit.
Anchor Ravi is currently hosting Patas 2 and Super Machi.
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