Aahana Kumra, who received lot of applause for her work in the movie The Lipstick Under My Burkha, often flaunts her style statement at her fans. The actress has taken the internet by storm with her latest bikini picture. Aahana Kumra is an active user of social media and this time she has shared her bikini pic on Instagram to delight her fans.
Currently the actress is vacationing in Alibaug. She set the temperature soaring as she takes a dip in the pool in sexy pink bikini. She flaunted her curvy body in pink bikini. She teamed up her look with minimal makeup and lipstick. The hottie strikes a pose on the stairs of the pool and looks hot as hell.
Aahana Kumra, born and brought up in Lucknow. She started her career with advertisements and short films. She has appeared in advertisements for Garnier Fairness Cream, ICICI Bank, KFC, Reliance Internet and others. In 2013, Aahana Kumra, was seen in the television series Yudh starring Amitabh Bachchan in which she essayed the pivotal role of Bachchan’s daughter. She has hosted the Prokabbadi 2016 series. In 2017, the actress played the female role in the black comedy film Lipstick Under My Burkha.
Aahana Kumra will be next seen in upcoming movie Shamshera which will be released next year.
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