Noted producer and distributor Dil Raju made solid money with his previous offering F2 Fun and Frustrations in which Venkatesh Daggubati, Varun Tej, Tamannah Bhatia and Mehreen Kaur Pirzada played the lead roles. According to the traders report, F2 grossed over 100 crores at the box office. Apart from this, Dil Raju is also co-producing Mahesh Babu, Pooja Hegde and Allari Naresh starrer Maharshi and the film has done a pre-release business of over 120 crores. Now according to the latest update, IT officials have raided Maharshi producer Dil Raju’ office a short while ago. It is yet unknown when IT official conducted raid, whether Dil Raju was present at the office or not.
According to the latest report, Maharshi has been produced on a whopping budget of Rs 140 to Rs 150 Cr. The income tax officials have raided Dil Raju’s office located at the Sagar Society, one day ahead of the release of Mahesh Babu‘ Maharshi.
Dil Raju’ own firm is also distributing Maharshi in Nizam, Krishna and Uttarandhra.
Now, rumors are rife that the release of Maharshi may be affected because of this IT raid at Dil Raju’ office. However, the team of Maharshi is yet to issue a statement regarding the film’s release.
Maharshi is a big budget film and 25th film of Mahesh Babu. Apart from Dil Raju, Aswini Dutt and PVP are also jointly producing this film. Maharshi will address the struggles faced by the farmers.
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