On the one hand, NTR Mahanayakudu hit the screens on 22nd February, a movie directed by Krish in which Nandamuri Balakrishna is playing the lead role of his father, the iconic NTR. On the other hand, Ram Gopal Varma has released the first video song ‘Nee Uniki Naa Jeevithaniki Aadharam ’ from his upcoming movie Lakshmi’s NTR. Ram Gopal Varma wrote in his twitter, “Here is the first song video of #LakshmisNTR Music @kalyanimalik31 Lyrics @sirasri and sung by the one and only S P B”
The song Nee Uniki Naa Jeevithaniki Aadharam is crooned by S P Balasubrahmanyam. The soulful lyrics are penned by Sira Sri whereas the music is scored by Kalyani Malik. The music lovers are appreciating the songs. Few comments are as follows:
bvk tv Veeru: Lagendery singer lengendery ntr movie become block buster movie of the year ever…
Team Work Productions: RGV emotioned song from u…
Mahi :Jai RGV… what a screenplay
Wadohek THE VIRUS :Lyrics of Song are so deeeeeeeeeeep
Sravanthi :Good … music..it VL become a Melody .. super
ashok bujji :expecting this movie will be exact meaning of Biopic as RGV can show the exact truth… song meaning good but music can beat better..
BATHULA SIVA NAGENDRA :What a song Great lyrics
Geetha @geetmh :Beautiful lyrics @sirasri Looking forward to the movie.
Though Ram Gopal Varma has started the promotional activities of Lakshmi’s NTR but he still did not talk about the release date of the film. The controversial film makers has also stopped mentioning Balakrishna, Vidya Balan and Rana Daggubati starrer NTR Mananayakudu too.
Few days ago, when Ram Gopal Varma released the first song “Vennupotu” on social media platforms, it created many controversies. Mainly, it raised the hackles of the Telugu Desam cadre. Later, many complaints were also filed against Ram Gopal Varma. Later he released the second single “Enduku Enduku.” This time he released the video song Nee Uniki.
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