Nandamuri Kalyan Ram is currently busy in the promotional activities of his upcoming movie 118. In one of the interviews, Kalyan Ram was asked about his upcoming projects. The actor said that he is currently hearing to few scripts and didn’t finalize anything yet. Kalyan Ram was also asked on whether he has any plan to enter into digital world like Mahesh Babu. He replied, “ Yes.”
Kalyan Ram said that he is going to step into the world of web-series. He added, “I am going to bankroll a romantic, crime thriller web series under the banner of NTR Arts. I will target the young audience.”
Kalyan Ram also confirmed the news that he is not going to become the part of his upcoming web series. He had decided to produce the web series only. It is known news that Kalyan Ram has his own production house NTR Productions and has bankrolled some hit films like Athanokkade, Pataas and Jai Lava Kusa.
The official announcement will be made very soon regarding Kalyan Ram’s web series.
Recently, it was reported that Tollywood Superstar Mahesh Babu will be foraying into the digital world by producing a web-series, which has been titled as Charlie. Now, Kalyan Ram is all set to follow Mahesh Babu’s route. A part of Mahesh Babu’s web series Charlie will be shot at Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad whereas another set is being erected close to the city’s airport. Charlie is the joint production of Mahesh Babu’s MB Entertainment and Jio.
On the profession front, Kalyan Ram will be next seen in upcoming movie 118. As his previous offerings Naa Nuvve and MLA were ended up disaster at the box office, this time he is pinning lot of hopes. Directed by KV Guhan, , the upcoming thriller drama 118 has Nivetha Thomas and Shalini Pandey as the leads.
from topstories – Tollywood