Bellamkonda Ganesh’s debut film was ‘Swathi Mutyam‘. This film directed by new director Laxman K Krishna was produced by Suryadevara Naga Vamsi under the banner of ‘Sitara Entertainments’. Varsha Bollamma acted as the heroine in this film. The film is going to release on October 5 as a gift for Vijayadashami. As big movies like ‘Godfather’ and ‘Ghost’ were releasing on the same day, everyone’s attention was on this movie.
It can be said that this film has attracted everyone’s attention with the question of how dare a small film be released between two big films. However, the business of this film was limited. But the inside talk is that it is more of a business due to the budget of the film. Once we look at the theatrical details:
Nizam 1.50 cr
Seeded 0.60 cr
Uttarandhra 0.70 cr
East 0.22 cr
West 0.20 cr
Guntur 0.27 cr
Krishna 0.23 cr
Nellore 0.15 cr
AP + Telangana (Total) 3.64 cr
Rest of India+Overseas 0.20 cr
Worldwide (Total) 3.84 cr
The theatrical business of ‘Swati Mutyam’ was Rs.3.84 crores. So to break even, this movie has to earn a share of up to Rs.4 crores. Unless there is a positive talk on the first day, the chances of this movie breaking even are low. Because there are big films like ‘Godfather’ and ‘The Ghost’ as competition.
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