Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday are coming together in the upcoming film Liger, which marks Arjun Reddy fame star Bollywood debut. The upcoming film is helmed by Puri Jagannadh who is best known for helming Temper, iSmart Shankar and Pokiri. The much hyped drama also has boxing legend Tyson in the important role. Puri Jagannadh’ magnum opus Liger has completed the censor formalities and received U/A (Unrestricted Public exhibition but with parental guidance.) certificate from the censor board. The final copy of Liger has a runtime of 140.20 minutes (2 hours 20 minutes).
The dialogue ‘Wo teri chatata hai ya tu iski chatega’ to be replaced by ‘legend tera chamcha hai ya tu uska chamcha hai’. The word ‘Cycle thoko’ will be muted.
“F” word was reduced by 50 percent, and also muted the cuss words like ‘F…..king’, and ‘Mother F….r . The censor also muted the words ‘K….tiya’ and ‘Ke Lav**.
The official of censor board also objected the vulgar hand gesture and asked dteh makers to remove it. They are demanded to blur the middle finger gesture.
Liger is shot simultaneously in Hindi and Telugu languages, the film is produced by Dharma Productions and Puri Connect.
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