Home Minister Amit Shah took to his twitter and shared a pic of him with Jr NTR from their recent meeting in Hyderabad. Amit Shah lavished praise on Jr NTR and called him “gem of Telugu cinema”. He also met Ramoji Rao. After his meeting with the Telugu film producer, Amit Shah tweeted pictures with him and said, “Ramoji Rao Garu`s life journey is incredible and inspirational to millions of people related to the film industry and media. Today, met him at his residence in Hyderabad.”
The speculation was rife among the fans of Jr NTR that he will be meeting with Home Minister Amit Shah. And when the images of them surfaced on social media, the hashtag ‘Amit Shah with NTR’ among several others started to go viral.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah was in Telangana for a public meeting scheduled to be held in Munugodu. Post his meeting, he met with Jr NTR . The pics shared by the home minister, both are seen shaking hands and are seen conversing with each other. Jr NTR is looking handsome in a sky blue shirt and black trousers. The reports are coming that their meeting took place in a hotel.
On the work front, Jr NTR will be next seen playing the lead role in Koratala Siva’ next.
Had a good interaction with a very talented actor and the gem of our Telugu cinema, Jr NTR in Hyderabad.
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— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) August 21, 2022
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