Prabhas, Saif Ali Khan and Kriti Sanon starrer highly talked about film Adipurush has already created a lot of buzz in the film industry. The shooting of Om Raut’ magnum opus has been wrapped up long back and the post-production works are going on. The upcoming film is based on Ramayana and Prabhas will be seen as Raghava while Kriti Sanon plays the role of Janaki. Now according to the latest report, Adipurush has created another milestone with its digital rights. Popular OTT platform Netflix has acquired the streaming rights of this mythological drama Adipurush for a record price Rs 250 Cr. Apparently, they bought the digital rights of Om Raut’ directorial venture in all languages.
Earlier, the director of this highly-awaited drama, Om Raut of Tanhaji fame opened up about what makes Prabhas the perfect choice for this drama. He had said, “I have tried to understand Prabhu Ram to the best of my ability and I will keep on understanding for rest of my life. To my knowledge, eyes are a reflection of heart and Prabhas is such a pure soul that his eyes are calm. With his eyes, I got closest to my imagination of Prabhu Ram.”
On the otherside, Prabhas will be seen in Nag Ashwin’ Project K, Prashanth Neel’ Salaar, Sandeep Reddy Vanga’ Spirit and Maruthi’ horror comedy film.
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