Versatile actor Kamal Haasan has landed in legal trouble. A complaint has been filed against the Tamil star Kamal Haasan for his song Pathala Pathala. The complainant alleged that the lyrics of the track mock the Union Government. The song is the first single from the actor’ upcoming much hyped movie Vikram, which is being helmed by Lokesh Kangaraj. A few lines from the song, that caused a stir, go as follows : There is no money left in the treasury at a time when diseases are on the rise. Because of the mistakes of the Union Govt, there’s nothing left now. The key now lies with the thief.
A guy named Selvam, who is a social activist, and a resident of Chennai’s Korukkupettai, filed the case and said in the statement that these lines must be removed from the song and if no action is taken, then he will approach the court.
The movie Vikram also has Vijay Sethupathi and Fahadh Faasil in the lead roles and the song sung, and also had lyrics by Kamal Haasan. The song Pathala Pathala is similar to tracks like ‘Alwarpetta Aandava’ and ‘Kandasamy Madasamy’ among others, songs previously crooned by Kamal Haasan. The track also features visuals of Kamal Haasan shaking a leg.
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