Superstar Mahesh Babu and national award winning actress Keerthy Suresh starrer Sarkaru Vaari Paata is up for a grand theatrical release worldwide tomorrow. In the meantime, the team is busy doing promotions for this upcoming big budget drama, directed by Parasuram Petla who is best known for helming Geetha Govindam. A video of Mahesh Babu laughing continuously after hearing Sarkaru Vaari Paata’s dialogue from Bithiri Sathi during an interview is going viral on the social media.
Bithiri Sathi asked Superstar Mahesh Babu whether the dialogue over ‘Viagra pills’ will be in movie Sarkaru Vaari Paata or removed. After hearing the modified dialogue ‘vandha golilu esukunna pellikoduku’ from Bithiri Sathi, Bharat Ane Nenu star Mahesh Babu can’t control laughing.
Superstar revealed to Bithiri Sathi that there is no censor cut for the dialogue and it will be in the movie. The movie lovers are praising the interview on Youtube. One of the netizen said: Sathi anna Mahesh Babu tho interview super anna.
The music director Thaman has also interviewed Mahesh Babu and he tweeted the same, “After a Very very lonnngg time catching up for an interview with Our Very Own Super Star Mahesh Babu gaaru. Sitting Next to Him Chatting and Talking about Our Block Buster Sarkaru Vaaripaata. Was On Sky.”
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