Nani and Nazriya Fahadh are playing the lead roles in the upcoming film Ante Sundaraniki that will open in cinemas on 10th June. On Wednesday the makers of Ante Sundaraniki released the teaser at a special event held in Hyderabad. Sharing the teaser on his social media handles, Nani had written, “Action took over the first half. Let love and laughter take over the second. June 10th. 2022 #AnteSundaraniki TEASER.” Now according to the makers that Ante Sundaraniki Teaser has crossed 11M+ views and it is trending no 1 on YouTube.
Ante Sundaraniki Teaser promises a fun ride with rib-tickling situational comedy and romance between Sundar Prasad and Leela Thomas , who hail from orthodox Hindu and Christian families. Nani and Nazriya starrer shows two different upbringings and how their families oppose Sundar and Leela`s relationship. However, this does not adequately summarize the main point of contention.
The upcoming romantic and comedy movie marks the first collaboration of Natural Star Nani and director Vivek Athreya who is best known for helming Brochevarevaruraa. It is bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers and also marks Nazriya Nazim’ debut in Tollywood. Niketh Bommi is the cinematographer and Vivek Sagar is the music composer.
Sundar, Leela and their cute story is full of Love ❤️
11M+ views for Teaser & Trending #1 on YouTube 💥💥
– #AhaSundara #AdadeSundara
Natural Star @NameisNani #NazriyaFahadh #VivekAthreya @oddphysce @MythriOfficial @saregamasouth
— Ramesh Bala (@rameshlaus) April 21, 2022
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