RRR, the big budget Pan India film, helmed by SS Rajamouli, who is best known for making Baahubali series, is bringing two top stars from the Indian film Industry together on the big screen and they are Tarak and Charan. The big budget drama also has top actress Alia Bhatt who is essaying the role of Sita and she is paired opposite Charan. Tanhaji and Rudra fame Ajay Devgn and Shriya Saran are the part of this film. Now according to the latest report, RRR’ pre sales in Australia has crossed A$300k for the day one. Yet five more days of advance bookings left for the day one.
The industry tracker Jeevi confirmed the same by sharing a post on Twitter, “RRR Movie pre sales in Australia cross A$300k for the day one. Yet 5 more days of advance bookings left for the day one. Record for any Indian cinema in Australia.”
No other Telugu movie had collected A$300k from pre-sales in Australia ahead of its release. Jr NTR and Ram Charan starrer is now creating new records in the term of advance bookings.
RRR is slated to hit the theaters on 25th March 2022 Worldwide in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam and others.
#RRRMovie pre sales in Australia cross A$300k for the day one. Yet 5 more days of advance bookings left for the day one.
Record for any Indian cinema in Australia #RRR #RRRinAustralia
— idlebrain.com (@idlebraindotcom) March 20, 2022
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