Advance booking for RRR movie has started in various theaters in Telugu states with RRR screen with a budget of Rs 500 crore. The timings of showing this movie on single screens have changed as the length of the RRR movie has increased. It is known that the hero’s career will be the biggest hit if he stars under the direction of star director Rajamouli.
Jakkanna has given blockbuster hits to all the heroes with his films from Student No. 1 in NTR to Prabhas in Bahubali 2. However, after the heroes who starred in Jakkanna Movie, the films get flopped. This bad sentiment in the industry is creating tension on the heroes starring under Rajamouli’s direction.
While facing this question to Rajamouli as part of RRR film promotions, Jakkanna made interesting comments regarding this question. Jakkanna said that he has been facing this question for many years and he has been answering this question for 20 years. Jakkanna commented that although he had already answered, he was facing this question again and again.
Jakkanna said not to look deep to the same thing. Jakkanna indirectly clarified that he has no relation with the flops of movies after his heroes. He also said that there are many reasons for a movie to flop. Heroes who are making industry hits with Rajamouli movie are getting flop result with later movies. So far no hero has broken this flop sentiment.
While Rajamouli was answering the question, Charan and Tarak put on a blank face and looked at each other’s faces. Thats a funny moment actually. It remains to be seen whether atleast Charan and Tarak will break this sentiment with their later films.
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