Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh, during an Instagram live session, expressed that he is excited to watch Mega Power Star Ram Charan in his upcoming much hyped big budget drama RRR which also has young Tiger Jr NTR in the lead role. The trailers of RRR have grabbed the attention of many and have ignited the heat in the audience. Ranveer Singh seems to be a big fan of RRR as he couldn’t stop himself from sharing his excitement during a live session.
RRR has hyped the excitement with its energetic song ‘Naatu Naatu’ that featured Ram Charan and Jr NTR. Ever since the song Naatu Naatu has been released it has been trending on all platforms. Ranveer Singh during his live session on social media played ‘Naatu Naatu song’ from the film.
A fan of Ram Charan, with the handle ‘Megastar Chiranjeevi’ shared the post with Ranveer Singh quote on the same. Ranveer Singh had said, “Ram Charan is an absolute Beast & Absolute machine. One of my Favorite Actors from Hyderabad. I loved him ever since I saw Magadheera and I’m so excited for the RRR Movie.”
Rajamouli’ magnum opus which also has Alia Bhatt, Ajay Devgn and Shriya Saran, is bankrolled by DVV Danayya, under the banner of DVV Entertainments. RRR is releasing on 25th March 2022.
“#RamCharan is an absolute Beast & Absolute maychine. One of my Favourite Actors from Hyderabad. I loved him ever since i saw Magadheera and im so excited for #RRRMovie.” – @RanveerOfficial@AlwaysRamCharan #RC15
— MEGASTAR CHIRANJEEVI (@ChiruIdealActor) February 11, 2022
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