The dubbed Telugu version of the Tamil film Veeramae Vaagai Soodum, ‘Saamanyudu‘ starring Hero Vishal, played as a police officer and fights with the evil in the flick. The film’s official trailer has been unveiled by the film troupe. In the trailer, Vishal talked about the importance of the responsibilities of a police officer.
The bilingual film comes as a typical action drama framed with action scenes. As a police officer, Vishal strives to lock antlers on his arch-rivals against the corrupt evil. Things change when the egoes of an upright police officer and a retired army havildar clash.
The film was helmed by Thu Pa Saravanan. Star cast Shreyas Talpade and Rajpal Yadav are another lead characters in the film. While one section makes crimes when there is no choice available, the evils terminate commoners for the sake of supremacy.
Dimple Hayathi is the love interest of Vishal, and their romantic scenes were also visible in the trailer. The film is set to hit the screens on January 26, 2022.
from VIDEOS – Tollywood