Rakul Preet Singh who made her debut in Tollywood with the film Keratam, and gained unexpected popularity with the film Venkatadri Express. Rakul, who has further increased the craze and popularity in Telugu with success of Nannaku prematho, Sarainodu and Dhruva, is acting as a pair for young heroes on the one hand and a pair for star heroes on the other.
A few days ago Rakul revealed to fans that he is in love and comments that he is in love with Bollywood actor and producer Jackie Bhagnani. Fans thought that Rakul was going to get married soon after Rakul revealed his love affair.
In an interview with national media, Rakul said she would only like to hear what she likes. Rakul said that the fact that she was in love was a beautiful thing and that is why she revealed this.
Rakul commented that his focus right now is on his career and not bothering to get married. Currently Rakul Preet Singh is more busy with Bollywood movies than Tollywood. She revealed thats he would share the matter with everyone when he wanted to get married. It remains to be seen when Rakul will tell the good news about the wedding.
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