Today on the occasion of Naga Chaitanya’ birthday, the makers of Bangarraju unveiled the teaser. Going by the visuals, it looks like Naga Chaitanya will be seen in a highly colourful role which will be unlike anything he’s played so far in his career. It introduces the actor as Chinna Bangarraju as he plays Nagarjuna’s son in this fantasy drama. After a long gap of five years, once again, Naga Chaitanya and Nagarjuna are working together for a film.
Coming on the teaser, Naga Chaitanya is seen wearing the jewellery of Bangarraju in front of a huge frame of Nagarjuna in the house. He looks playful as he oozes swag and style as a village youth. He hits stick on the ground which finally takes a slot in Royal Enfield bike. Anup Rubens’ background music is highlighted in the teaser.
Bangarraju also has Uppena girt Krithi Shetty, Ramya Krishna, Chalapathi Rao, Rao Ramesh, Brahmaji, Vennela Kishore and Jhansi among others.
Nagarjuna starrer will be Naga Chaitanya’s first release since he announced his split with wife Samantha Ruth Prabhu. The couple recently ended their marriage and made an official announcement regarding it on 2nd October.
On the otherside, Naga Chaitanya is currently working with Vikram K Kumar for a film. He also awaits the release of his Laal Singh Chaddha, in which he is playing a key role.
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from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood