Tank Bund stretch witnessed throngs of visitors enjoying the ongoing Bathukamma festival along with Navratri celebrations on Sunday. The ‘Sunday-Funday’ event wore a festive look with hundreds of the ladies participated in the Bathukamma celebrations and played Garba and Dandiya along with the traditional Bathukammas. The stages were constructed to allow women to play Bathukamma. HMDA also distributed around 15,000 flowers, medicinal saplings of different varieties to the visitors. There was also colourful laser shows that enthralled the people. Indications of the Sunday Funday event, or a similar concept being on the cards at Charminar, have come in the form of a tweet from the Urban Development Special Chief Secretary Arvind Kumar.
Arvind Kumar took to his Twitter on Monday and said, “Minister KTR and Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi Saab, noticing the overwhelming response to Sunday-Funday at Tank bund have suggested that a similar event can be planned at Charminar every Sunday! Suggestions / advice welcome so that we can plan accordingly.”
So Sunday Funday is on the cards at Hyderabad’s Charminar too.
In the month of September, the Minister of Municipal Administration and Urban Development- KTR, of Telangana launched the ‘Sunday-Friday’ aimed at being a recreational event for the people of Hyderabad.
Minister @KTRTRS & MP #Hyderabad Janab @asadowaisi Saab, noticing the overwhelming response to Sunday-Funday at #Tankbund have suggested that a similar event can be planned at #Charminar every Sunday!
Suggestions / advice welcome so that we can plan accordingly pic.twitter.com/FC41EMhKOM
— Arvind Kumar (@arvindkumar_ias) October 11, 2021
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