Samantha Ruth Prabhu is an animal lover. Today, Samantha Ruth Prabhu brought her pet dogs Hash and Saasha to a veterinary clinic. The actress was spotted in white shirt and light blue trousers. Rangasthalam lady covered her face with a mask. Her pic from the vet clinic is going viral on the social media. This was her Samantha’ public appearance after the announcement of separation with husband Naga Chaitanya.
In the month of April, Samantha Ruth Prabhu celebrated National Pet Day by sharing a photograph and video of her dog, Hash. In the post, Hash was seen sleeping peacefully on Naga Chaitanya’s shoulders. In the video, Hash was also seen sneezing which left Naga Chaitanya angry.
He asked Samantha why she is irritating Hash to which she couldn’t stop laughing. The video also showcased Naga Chaitanya‘s protective side. She had also treated her fans to the photograph of Hash sleeping on Naga Chaitanya’s shoulders.
Samantha will soon be seen in Gunasekhar’ directorial venture, the mythological drama Shaakunthalam with Dev Mohan and Allu Arha as her co-stars. Dev Mohan is playing King Dushyant whereas Allu Arha is essaying Prince Bharata.
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