Nani who is known for his natural performance, is on the signing spree. Today on the occasion of Dussehra, Nani took to his Twitter to make official announcement regarding his next project title Dasara. The team also released a small glimpse to introduce Nani’s character. Nani is seen uttering the dialogues: Nani also utters a powerful dialogue, “Ee Dasara Nirudu Lekkundadi, Banchat, Jammi Vetti Chepthaannaa Baddal Baashingaalaithay, Etlaithe Gatlaithadi, Sooskundaam.”
Nani starrer Dasara will be helmed by Srikanth Odela. Middle Class Abbayi fame actor is seen playing the role of a youngster of the Godavarikhani region. The story of the film Dasara is set in a village situated in Singareni Coal Mines in Godavarikhani.
Dasara will be bankrolled by Sudhakar Cherukuri on a lavish scale. National award winning actress Keerthy Suresh has been roped in to share the screen space with Nani. In past, they have worked together for Nenu Local, which was a decent hit at the box office.
Apart from the lead pair, the film also has Sai Kumar, Samuthirakani, and Zarina Wahab in key roles. Santhosh Narayanan is on the board to render the music, while Sathyan Sooryan will handle the cinematography.
On the otherside, Nani is waiting for the release of Shyam Singha Roy.
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Here’s the #SirenOfDasara 💥
▶️ our proud team @KeerthyOfficial @odela_srikanth @Music_Santhosh @sathyaDP @NavinNooli @artkolla @kabilanchelliah @SLVCinemasOffl
— Nani (@NameisNani) October 15, 2021
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